“The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” George Bernard Shaw

What is it?

The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others clearly and distinctly

Doing this involves effort from both the sender of the message and the receiver. Communication is a process that can be fraught with error, with messages often misinterpreted by the recipient. When this isn't detected, it can cause tremendous confusion, wasted effort and missed opportunity.

Getting your message across is paramount to progressing. To do this, you must understand what your message is, what audience you are sending it to, and how it will be perceived.


  1. General communication skills
  2. Communicating in person
  3. Feedback
  4. Planning and structuring
  5. Presenting
  6. Communicating in writing
  7. Advocating
  8. Difficult communication situations
  9. Understanding others better